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Skála Project vol.2

    Tuesday, August 13, 21:00
    Horto Theatre

    “Skála Project” again at Horto Festival!

    After last year’s performance, which was so warmly embraced by the crowd, Eleni Pozatzidou and Irini Arampatzi return for a concert in the place that was the reason for their friendship and artistic acquaintance.

    This time, the band is joined by Dunja Botic and Alexandra-Achillea Pouta, who live in London, and together with Irini Arabatzi are preparing their new polyphonic project “Alkanna Graeca.”

    In “Skála Project vol.2” we will travel with polyphonic melodies from different parts of the world, we will listen to songs from the discography of the two girls and we will meet once again with music and singing to create a wonderful celebration!

    Can’t wait!!!

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