Cordial thanks to all of our friends for their support.
Horto Fundraising 2025
Δημήτρης Κολύμβας
Εμμανουήλ Μακρής
Νίκος Μπρέλας
Πολυξένη Τσούκα
Ofra Anson
Ulli Baur
Jan Beugelaar and John Lieffering
Christine Carpenter
Julie Carpenter
Nicole Dieu
Erika Kieser
Tereza Vekiareli
Chris and Kathryn Wicks
Horto Fundraising 2023-2024
Αβραμίδη Λιζ
Αναστασιάδου Δέσποινα
Βογιατζή Μαλαμώ
Γιάκας Δημήτρης
Δημουλάς Θεόδωρος, Πάτρα και Φανής
Καλπογιάννη Ελίντα
Κολύμβας Δημήτρης
Σαλτιέλ Δαυίδ
Κατσάδα Αλκμήνη
Κατριτζόγλου Γιάννης
Καραγιάννη Φανή
Μπρέλας Νίκος
Ντούλα Ευλαμπία (Χορωδία Ελασσόνας)
Παρπαρά Χρυσή
Πολυχρονάκης Ιωάννης
Πρωτονοταρίου Μαρία
Ρόβας Γεώργιος
Ροβίθης Μιχαήλ
Τατάρογλου Αναστάσιος (Χορωδία ElGreChor)
Τρύφωνα Γεωργία
Τσούγκρας Κωνσταντίνος
Τσούκα Πολυξένη
Allhoff Susanne
Altermatt Susanne
Amelung Philipp
Dr. Bechdolf Ute
Beugelaar Jan
Benz Sibylle
Bieri Ursula
Boedts Annette
Bozzi Patrick Anastasia
Bucher Beatrice
Cantagalli Laura
Carpenter Christine
Davies David
Derungs María Barbara
Diez Thomas
Dr. Gudehus Gerd
Eimer Claudia Pia
Gutran Anne Katrin
Hildegard Manuela und Beck Carola
Höltje Jens
Huebner Philipp
Jespensern Bente in behalf of Zesongkor (Denmark)
Featherstone Tim
Ferrari Pepi
Kanavagh Matt and Patt
Kern-Flois Johanna und Friedrich
Kieser Erika
Khorsand Sara
Kumpe Astrid
Magnani Marielle
Manz Bernd in behalf of ElGreChor (Switzerland)
K. Messner + C. Fischer
Meyer Karl Holger
Meyer Francis
Mitchel Shirley Ann
Moller Joachim
Moser Elisabeth
Müller Christine
MusikMinden Freundeskreis
Palm Prof. Stefan und Andrea
Rene Nauer Martin
Dr. Rothkamm Joerg
Rubens Sibylla Christine
Schaer Ursula
Dr. Schindler Christine
Schmid Christian und Teresa
Stolting Petra
Sumski Hanna-Marie
Waizenegger Dagmar
Westphal Christine
Zinser Hans-Joachim
Why did we fundraise back in 2023?
In the region of Pelion, which was heavily affected by the Daniel disaster, the Angelinis Hadjinikou Foundation has been involved in cultural activities for the past 40 years, thus supporting the education and spiritual culture of the locals and visitors. The damages caused by the Daniel floods will take years to heal and the main financial activity in the region, which is tourism, will take time to recover. This makes cultural activity even more important for our wounded region. Due to all the above mentioned damages the Foundation’s facilities’ condition which was already problematic, has now become serious and has to be dealt with urgently. We are hereby requesting financial aid, for urgent technical repairs as well as financial support to continue our mission and go forward with the Horto Festival for the forthcoming period.
What did the donations covered?
Urgent technical repairs of the Foundation’s facilities as well as financial support for the organisation of Horto Festival for the next season. There will be detailed information concerning the funds collected by the Foundation and their allocation in due time when the fundraising campaign will be completed.
Special thanks for their contribution to:
– Maestro Philipp Amelung who asked his friends instead of gifts for his birthday to donate for the Horto fundraising,
– Tassos Tataroglou and ElGreChor that organised a successful fundraising concert in Basel,
– Franziska Niewind and Panos Galanopoulos for participating in Horto concerts and organising a unique concert in Gütersloh (Germany),
– Evlambia Ntoula and the choir of Elassona for fundraising on a chance of their first rehearsal for the season,
– Ioanna Siopoudi and Giorgo Tsiardaka for offering a great piano and flute recital,
– Groups of friends in Denmark, Austria and Horto that organised special gatherings to fundraise along with a glass of wine or some music making time.
The first announcement is here.